When + Where RSVP

Massive Media Massive would like to cordially invite you to The Nightmare Before Christmas Party

The Nightmare Before Christmas Party

It’s time for Massive’s Nightmare Before Christmas party and we want to see you at your spookiest and most festive! That’s right β€” we’re talking theme costume party.

Come enjoy bone chilling snacks and bloody drinks

Prizes for best costume

Costume Ideas

Info symbol If it’s a little bit undead and a lotta bit merry, we want to see it!


Five Claws Up! The perfect event for those looking to blow off a little steam devouring their enemies spreading cheer and anguish festivities heading into the holiday season.

Sandy Claws

It’s hard to laugh at a 3’5” contractor when you’re unconscious and rapidly losing blood on the kitchen floor behind the fridge. Really though, nobody can see you back there. This is a fun party. The drinks are to die for.

Vampire Elf

If you attend one party this year, this is the one. Bright minds (really...just tons of brains...), and people too intoxicated to outrun a reindeer trained in jiu jitsu with an impeccable sense of direction and in-built lighting.

Zombie Reindeer

The place to enact revenge on the thankless little shits who only take and never give back. How many cookies can one man eat? Have I ever been asked if I’m a diabetic? No. That’s the answer. I haven’t, and I’m sick of it.

Santa Claus


Last Party's Photo
Last Party's Photo
Last Party's Photo
Last Party's Photo
Last Party's Photo
Last Party's Photo
Last Party's Photo
Last Party's Photo
Last Party's Photo
Last Party's Photo
Last Party's Photo


Friday, November 17th
4:30 PM - 10 PM
Massive Media
81 West Cordova Street
Vancouver, bc
Info symbol Nearest intersection: corner of Abbott and Cordova
RSVP by November 11, 2023
You don’t want to miss out


Massive + Cadence